Sinister King Bio


Sinister King is a melodic heavy metal band based in Bergen, Norway. Their typical song consists of energetic guitar riffs, evocative synth melodies, a memorable chorus and a guitar solo. It is also well- produced, as the band prides itself on the sound quality of the songs. Some of the music is slightly progressive, and a lot of it is quite groovy. The lyrics are dark and melancholic courtesy of singer and lyrics writer Rune Skjønberg.


The band has been semi- active for quite a while, but the release of “Death of All Joy” in November 2019 marked a new start for the band. Ole Henrik Vik joined the band as synth player around the same time. Him and guitarist Jostein Uthaug started working actively in Jostein’s home studio to record new synth ideas on the songs of the debut EP “All is Vanity’, as the other instruments were already recorded. The first of those songs, “A Cure for Insomnia”, was finally released on the 30th of September 2021. The second song, “Still Here”, followed up on November the 5th, and “Sanctuary Rage” and “All is Vanity” were released on the 26th of November with the E.P.