Crimson Moon: How did the band get started?
Band: Dani and Mike formed the band in 2014. With the need to play rock as it should be played, heavy, just like they had envisioned it… After few jams it was already clear that there was the right chemistry which makes a band roll and achieve its own personality. So one thing led to the other. After a while came Treliaris on drums, who was eventually replaced a year after by Fotis. The current lineup stays the same, just like the song
Crimson Moon: What kind of music do you play?
Band: We like to name it Stoner Doomed Psych Rock. Simply put, a very solid and timeless combination of genres.
Crimson Moon: How has the band response been?
Band: Outstanding so far! We have bunch of reviews done for several web-zines, the band made it 2 consecutive months to the Doom chart. There were many people interested in having us play at their fests (Fuzztastic Planet Festival) but due to certain difficulties, it was impossible to participate.
Crimson Moon: Where did the band name come from?
Band: It is a long story, we did some research, spent time to figure out names, but finally we did it. Yetis come from outer space, in green, ready to fill the earth’s skies with fuzzed out mayhem.
Crimson Moon: Introduce the band members
Band: Dani fingers that heavy Rick of his, Fotis takes care of drumbeats, breaking drumsticks along the way, and Mike plays the sg, singing and occasionally screaming to the mic.
Crimson Moon: Who writes the music? Lyrics?
Band: We all do. Mixing ideas, jamming, making up words, laughing, we are the ones responsible for this madness.
Crimson Moon: And where do the lyric ideas come from?
Band: From outer space. From within ourselves. Things that happen across the world. The everlasting pool of creativity.
Crimson Moon: How many albums/CD’s have you released?
Band: So far we have our first CD released in February 2016 (The Yeti Has Landed). We had tons of requests to release it on vinyl, but it would need a large budget to make a double vinyl edition, since it is 60+ mins long. We are set to record our next album though, in a month or so, which will be specifically made for vinyl too.
Crimson Moon: Tell me about some the songs on the latest CD?
Band: Well they are few, only 4 of them (laughs). But we think that they compensate if you like long stories, heavy sounds and psychedelic vibes.
Crimson Moon: Do you have any side projects?
Band: Dani had played many years in Brotherhood of Sleep, an instrumental rock/doom/psych trio, Fotis also was on drums in 9oz of Nothing for a few moons. Michael records some of his own stuff and plays guitar in a kraut-rock band called Reversed Nature.
Crimson Moon: Who are some of your musical influences?
Band: Heh, the list is endless. We are influenced by anything that is called music from rock to electro. We simply narrow the gap to achieve our band’s style. Bands that did influence us in the past were: The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Emmerson Lake and Palmer, Ten Years After, King Crimson, Queen, Black Sabbath, Nirvana, Jimi Hendrix, The Doors, The Cure, Breakout, Cream, Led Zeppelin, Frank Zappa etc.
Crimson Moon: Which current bands?
Band: Black Shape of Nexus, Suma, Monkey 3, Acid King, Hidden Hand, Dead Meadow, Toner Low, Kyuss, Electric Wizard, Sleep, Yob, Dopethrone, Los Natas, Melvins, Earth and many more…
Crimson Moon: What is the band like when you play live?
Band: To the point. Without whistles and whatnot, we are there to make the difference. To take you on a journey with the Green Yeti as a guide, into parts unknown.
Crimson Moon: What was the best band you played with?
Band: We’ve played with several bands until now, each one was magnificent in their own right. It would be uncool to select just one using our personal taste. We loved Stoned Jesus and Dopelord, Egypt and the Re-Stoned, but we will definitely meet more bands in the future.
Crimson Moon: Have you guys ever played in another country?
Band: Pending. It is difficult to get out there, especially if your budget is close to zero. We are working on it though, as a group that takes their work seriously, we know we must hit the road like, yesterday.
Crimson Moon: How big of crowd shows up at shows usually?
Band: It depends on various factors, from the guy who is organizing the show, the venue it is located and so on. But our crowd builds up day by day, which is good because we want to be close to our listeners and know their stories, rather than just have some faceless followers.
Crimson Moon: How is the crowd response when you play?
Band: Kickass! The tension builds up slowly and by the time we are done, the venue is boiling, literally on fire. This of course happens in Greece, with 40C, playing a packed gig! So it is face-melting really for us and the people below.
Crimson Moon: What is the scene like over in your country?
Band: Growing day by day, which is very important to us. We are glad to have played even a small part in this, and of course seeing so many new great bands from Greece hitting the stage in Europe is priceless. It’s a different thing to play in the US thought, get your sound across the ocean, but it will be done eventually!
Crimson Moon: What made you want to be in this band? And if you weren’t in this band what would you being doing now?
Fotis: Who doesn’t want to be in a band named Green Yeti!!! (laughs)
Dani: Listening and playing music is like breathing so it’s a necessity. There would be no other way than to be in Green Yeti!
Michael: Music made me do it! I would be dead inside otherwise.
Crimson Moon: What does the future hold for the band?
Band: Hundreds of unsuccessful takes, tons of sweat, ups and downs, health issues, lack of sleep. But we wouldn’t trade it for anything else. This is the road we’ve chosen, so better stick to it while it lasts. We could write about contract deals, many copies sold. But that would be obvious. The best part is the trip, not the destination.
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