Slow Burning Car


Crimson Moon: How did the band get started?

Troy: I (Troy Spiropoulos founder of Slow Burning Car) recorded the first Slow Burning car album (Blowback in 2005) and put a band together after it was finished to perform out.



Crimson Moon: What kind of music do you play?

Troy: Grunge/Hard Rock with a 90s touch.



Crimson Moon: How has the fan response been?

Troy: Very nice.



Crimson Moon: Where did the band name come from?

Troy: Los Angeles, CA, USA.



Crimson Moon: Introduce the band members.

Troy Spiropoulos: Lead Vocals/backing Vocals, Bass

Krista Turkolou: Lead/backing Vocals

Aaron Kusterer: Lead/Rhythm Guitars

Tommy Marcel: Rhythm/Lead Guitars

Zak St.John: Drums



Crimson Moon: How many albums/CD’s have you released?

Troy: Five.



Crimson Moon: Tell me about some of the songs on the latest CD?

Troy: The latest CD released last year was called Projection and featured songs about space, dreams, relationships, fictitious characters, and pandemic commentary.



Crimson Moon: Who writes the music? Lyrics?

Troy: I write the music and the majority of the lyrics although Krista has contributed some writing both lyrically and musically as well.



Crimson Moon: And where do the lyric ideas come from?

Troy: Space, dreams, relationships, fictitious characters, and pandemic commentary.



Crimson Moon: Has the Covid Pandemic impacted the band at all?

Troy: No we actually were one of the few bands in Los Angeles who steadily performed out door shows. “Concerts In Cars” as it was promoted by a few booking agents here in Los Angeles.



Crimson Moon: Do you have any side projects?

Troy: I play with a group of friends I’ve known for 20-25 years called The Quick And The Dead (Garage Rock).



Crimson Moon: What is the music scene like where you guys are from?

Troy: Not as active as it was in the 80’s/90’s. Much more DJ oriented. A lot of venues have shut their doors.



Crimson Moon: Who are some of your musical influences?

Troy: Queens Of The Stone Age, Foo Fighters, Love, The Pink Floyd, Verve, Black Sabbath, Mudhoney, Nirvana, Kyuss.



Crimson Moon: What is the band like when you play live?

Troy: Tight, Energetic, Engaging…



Crimson Moon: Have you guys ever played in another country?

Troy: We performed a few shows in London back in 2006 and would love to do Germany, Greece, Italy, etc…



Crimson Moon: Do you do anything special warm-ups you do before you play live?

Troy: We don’t drink/smoke/eat before we play. We wait til afterwards for all that.



Crimson Moon: What made you want to start this band?

Troy: I wanted to hear the music that I wrote performed live.



Crimson Moon: If you weren’t in this band would you still be involved in the music industry?

Troy: Probably not…there doesn’t seem to be too much of a “music industry” nowadays.



Crimson Moon: As a musician what advice can you give to fellow musicians just starting out?

Troy: Play for enjoyment and you will get farther than you imagined or just as far as you enjoy. If you are in this for instant income you will be sorely disappointed.



Crimson Moon: What does the future hold for the band?

Troy: Hopefully more national and international touring. Licensing breaks to get our music into film, TV, and commercials.





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